Not me, but when I was a teenager I had a family friend who claimed to be of the Anointed. One day we were out in service and I got up the nerve to ask him how he knew he was anointed or "special."
He told me that several years before, after he moved to a new Kingdom Hall, he realized that he was surrounded by a bunch of brothers and sisters who seemed "to lack the big picture." They went through the motions of going to meetings, out in service, etc., but there was no joy in their lives - they acted like they really hated being a JW. He said that most were going through the motions similar to government employees - hating the job, hating their co-workers, hating the public that they had to preach to - but afraid to quit for fear of having to find a real job. They lacked understanding of the fine points of being a JW, showing love for the brothers, talking about the Bible, discussing teachings and prophecy. One "Company Servant" that he went in service with made it clear that he only went because of his assigned position - he knew that he would never have a leadership position in the world - so he continued with the JWs only because he didn't want to give up that authority.
At some point, he realized that he was only one of a few that seemed to really love being a Witness, loved to talk about the Truth, loved to be in service. He was sitting at a Memorial, watching as the wine and matzo was being passed around. He noticed that most of the very few who partook were the ones that seemed to be honestly humble and loving - that lived for Witness work. He went home and prayed over what he had seen and asked God to help him understand where he fit into His Plan. One day while he was out in field service, he felt dizzy and pulled his car over to the side of the road. He was afraid he might be having a seizure or a stroke (he was in his early 50s). He grabbed the top of the steering wheel and put his head down between his arms and just rested. When he looked up, the sky was dark - like a storm was brewing. He put his head back down and rested some more, apparently dozing off for a short time. When he awoke the sky was clear, bright blue, and the weather was beautiful, there was no sign of a storm anywhere around him. It was like he fell asleep one day and woke up the next - but when he looked at his watch, less than 20 minutes had passed since he pulled over to the curb.
After that he noticed a change in his whole attitude. He didn't care about living in the New Earth any longer. All he could imagine was that he was in Heaven looking down on the Earth from thousands of miles away - but he could see individuals and hear voices - but he wasn't there. He found that he was less critical of the other brothers and sisters. Rather than being judgmental, he sought them out and felt like he needed to try to help them.
The next time the Memorial came around there was no question in his mind about partaking. He told me that is was as natural as breathing - that the wine tasted sweet and mellow (not at all like most Mogen David wines I've ever had to endure), and the cracker melted in his mouth like butter.
Later on, he walked over to one of the other brothers who had partaken of the emblems. He shook his hand and looked right into the other fellow's eyes. He was startled when the other fellow asked him, "Well, did you enjoy the emblems?" It was like the other fellow knew that he was "one of them." He said he never doubted for a moment his heavenly reward after that.
All he would say after that was that he hoped he could remain faithful, because "having a prize like that awaiting you makes you a target - like someone wearing a big diamond ring and and having to walk through a ghetto at night."
I don't know if what he told me was all BS, but at the time he seemed very credible. Later on, after the big changeover of the Governing Body in the 1970s I heard that someone who was really one of the "anointed" would never tell a non-anointed person how "the anointed know they are anointed."
Maybe someone like Kool-aid Drinker can comment on this issue.